Latest Posts

12 August 2019

How Intensely Must You Exercise To Increase Life Expectancy

Current ongoing study research the Copenhagen City Heart Study compared light jogging, moderate joggers, strenuous joggers, and sedentary individuals. ...

05 August 2019

Chiropractic Can Help Prevent Surgery for Back Pain

New York Chiropractic Care by Dr. Phelts. Chiropractic is a proven way to help you avoid back surgery. Call our office today at (212) 286-2012 for an...

17 July 2019

High Fructose Corn Syrup: Beware

I have counseled many people about healthy eating habits in my Manhattan office.  I have warned against the consumption of high fructose corn syrup...

08 July 2019

Nutrition Consultation: What To Expect

The purpose of our nutrition protocol is to help you obtain and/or maintain optimal health naturally.  Our services are for those who are looking for an...

01 July 2019

Avoiding Chronic Pain After an Auto Injury

Dr. Phelts treats auto injury pain in New York. Call our office at (212) 286-2012 for more information.

01 July 2019

Is Your Body Trying To Tell You Something

There is an intimate two-way communication going on between your body and mind that affects both physical and emotional health. The language the body...

06 June 2019

Horsetail For Injury Recovery

At his New York, NY Office, Dr. John Phelts, D.C. sees many people with injuries, that he successfully helps them to recover from.  He attributes his...

05 June 2019

Tea For Healthy Joints

 Flexibili-Tea is an aromatic infusion of herbs known to support the health of muscles, bones and connective tissues. In the recipe below we use three...

04 June 2019

Why You Need Water

Water is necessary for optimal injury repair.  Many people who suffer from chronic injuries are not consuming enough water.  Dr John W Phelts, D.C....

03 June 2019

Move Your Body Often To Live Longer

There is mounting evidence of the ill-effects associated with sitting too much, movement has become essential for living well.  Movements helps maintain...