Latest Posts

04 October 2019

Five Year Old Girls Abdominal Pain Disappears After 10 Minute Treatment

A five year old female, accompanied by her mother, presented at this office  complaining of abdominal pain.  The pain is in the upper right and...

10 September 2019

Herbs Every Pregnant Woman Should Avoid

?Herbs are usually great for improving health.  But there are times when herbs can be harmful.  Some can interact with certain medications and...

09 September 2019

Managing Blood Glucose Naturally

Diabetes is a condition that develops slowly overtime.  It can be the result of decades of a diet high in sugar.  There are no symptoms in the...

05 September 2019

Studies Reveal Chiropractic Is Best For Migraine Treatment

Migraines can be debilitating for some. They incapacitate them to the point that they have to miss family events, cancel outings and recreational...

04 September 2019

Why Folate Is Important For Pregnant Woman

Dr. John Phelts offers nutrition consults for moms-to-be in his New York, NY office.  Folate is necessary for the development of the baby's neural...

03 September 2019

Recommendations For A Healthy Pregnancy

A woman's body is designed to nurture and provide an environment in which a human being grows and develops until it is ready to move to the outsied...

02 September 2019

New York TMJ Pain and Auto Injury

New York TMJ pain treatment by Dr. Phelts. Call our office today at (212) 286-2012.

20 August 2019

Is Burning Candles Good For Your Health

Dr. Phelts sees many patients at his New York, NY practice,  who say that candles cause them to have various symptoms.  Is there any validity to...

15 August 2019

N Acetyl Cysteine For Ear Infections

Cold and flus season is approaching.  Dr. John Phelts, DC in New York, NY recommends that his patients keep a bottle of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in their...

13 August 2019

Garlic For Infectiions

Dr. John W Phelts, DC helps many people who have immune system challenges.  Many come to him at his New York, NY office seeking natural alternatives for...