124 E 40th Street Suite 301, New York, NY 10016
Hi Everyone,
With the daily updates about the coronavirus, it is easy to panic and feel unsure about what you can do to preserve your health. Below I have provided some recommendations on how to maintain a healthy immune system during this time.
Sleep - Get plenty of sleep. Your immune system is most active when you are sleeping and it works best when you get sufficient sleep. Daily sleep recommendations vary depending on your lifestyle: 6-8 hours for sedentary individuals, 7-9 hours for those who are moderately active, and up to 10 hours a day for professional athletes.
Drink Water - At the first sign of any flu or cold like symptoms, drink plenty of water. Water slows the replication of viruses and reduces the severity of symptoms. Normally, you should consume 1 quart of water per 50 lbs. of bodyweight per day. However, when fighting a virus, you should add an additional quart of water. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs., you should normally consume 3 quarts of water per day but if you are fighting a respiratory infection, you should drink 4 quarts a day.
Reduce sugar intake - Sugar suppresses the immune system, making the body more susceptible to infections. Limit sugar intake to two citrus fruits, like grapefruits and oranges, daily. Drinking ½ lemon in a cup of water can also help to fight infection.
Get Adjusted - Research shows that chiropractic adjustments boost your immune system. I encourage you to schedule an appointment in order to maintain a healthy immune system. We have worked to ensure that the office is a clean environment and appointments are scheduled to minimize the number of patients in the office to no more than 3 at any given time. Our office is maintaining regular hours during this season.
Get Vitamin D - Vitamin D is necessary for a well-functioning immune system and it is recommended that we expose our skin to 10 – 20 minutes of sunlight daily for vitamin D production. You may also consume vitamin D through foods like egg yolk, salmon, herring, sardines, cod liver oil, and beef liver. The simplest way to get sufficient vitamin D is to take a supplement (4000 – 6000 I.U./day).
Consume Spleen - Beef spleen contains high levels of alkylglycerols (AKGs for short) which serve as powerful immune system boosters to help fight infectious disease. Spleen also contains unique biochemicals such as Tuftsin & Splenopentin, Splenin, alkylglycerols, and Immune Active Proteins which boost and modulate the Immune System. You can find beef spleen supplements in tablet or capsule form
Take Zinc - Zinc helps the body fight viral infections. For respiratory infections, it is best to consume zinc in liquid or lozenge form.
Reduce Anxiety (stress and fear) - Anxiety releases chemicals and hormones in the body that weaken the immune system. Nutritionally you can reduce the effects of stress with magnesium and herbs.
- Magnesium counters the effects of anxiety by relaxing the nervous system. Good sources of magnesium include dark chocolate (should be at least 85%), avocados, almonds, pumpkin seeds, black beans, chickpeas, salmon, and halibut.
- Aswhagandha is an adaptogenic herb, which means that it counters the effects of stress
- Drink herbal teas like chamomile and passionflower which are known to relax the mind and body.
Laugh - Laughter causes chemical reactions in the body which strengthen the immune system and promote healing. Most importantly, laughter is an anxiety antidote.
Mind your thoughts - If you find yourself feeling stressed, take control of your thoughts. Think about good times and things that you love doing and make plans to do them and listen to uplifting music and podcasts.
Yours in health,
Dr. John Phelts